Sedation Dentistry

a safe & comfortable dental experience

Oral conscious sedation dentistry (sometimes called “sleep dentistry”) is a way to provide a safe and comfortable dental experience for patients who may be uncomfortable or scared of getting dental work done. With oral conscious sedation dentistry, there is no longer a reason to let fear or anxiety stop you from getting the smile you deserve. If you are looking for a family dentist in East Cobb to provide sedation dentistry, Dr. Wesley Denny has been thoroughly trained in implementing sedation while applying established safety standards. He can provide a comfortable and positive experience for any patient that otherwise may have reservations of getting dental work done.


Frequently Asked Questions About Sedation Dentistry


What exactly is Oral Conscious Sedation (sleep dentistry)?

Oral conscious sedation dentistry uses orally administered medication to help patients relax during their procedure. Although it is sometimes referred to as “sleep dentistry,” that is not entirely correct. Patients are typically awake but remain relaxed throughout their dental procedure. Patients may remain aware of their surroundings but are less responsive to external stimuli like the sound of the drill or the smell of materials. Many times, patients do not even remember the procedure.


How are sedatives administered?

Sedatives are taken orally.


What will I experience after taking sedatives?

After taking the sedative medication, most patients start to feel calm and relaxed within minutes. Depending on the patient, the sedation will be mild to moderate. Patients typically remain alert, responsive and able to answer questions. It is not as strong as general anesthesia, which is typically administered at a hospital, where patients fall asleep. When a patient is under sedation, many procedures may be completed in a single appointment without sacrificing patient safety or quality of work.


Are there side effects to sedative medication?

Every patient may react differently but, besides a feeling of deep relaxation, patients may feel like time has passed quickly or retain little memory of the dental procedure. Analgesic properties decrease any sensation of pain or discomfort.


What will recovery be like?

You will need to have a companion drive you home from your sedation appointment. For longer appointments, a patient should expect to take off the remainder of the day and relax. For shorter appointments, only half a day may be necessary. Be sure to stay hydrated and drink lots of fluids. You should not drive or operate heavy machinery for 24 hours.